Creating a road map

In order to do this important work, we first need to explore how we got here and what we are moving toward. We will assist you in creating your own personal roadmap to help guide you on your journey both in the workshop and in your life. Your roadmap will include:

  • The thoughts and feelings that get in the way of you having the life you want (I’m too tired, It will never happen, I’m not smart enough, I can’t…)
  • The actions you take when those painful thoughts and feelings show up (pushing away, distracting, numbing, avoiding, beating yourself up)
  • How this is all working and not working for you (Did you get the outcome that you wanted?)
  • The direction you want your life to go (Not a problem if you are not sure what that is at this point – our work will provide an opportunity to shed some light here).

Through these workshops you will use your roadmap to relate differently to the thoughts and feelings that are getting in the way so you can pursue the life that you want.